: Arno Waschkuhn, Gerhard Wegner
: Reflexiver Liberalismus als Politische Option
: Walter de Gruyter GmbH& Co.KG
: 9783110971323
: Erfurter Beiträge zu den Staatswissenschaften
: 1
: CHF 102,10
: Öffentliches Recht, Verwaltungs-, Verfassungsprozessrecht
: German
: 99
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

Inherent to a reflective liberalism are its many requirements and preconditions. It demands that personal liberties and public welfare be preserved simultaneously; that the responsibility to self-determine and the ever-expanding social structures of the community be realized concurrently. The theory avoids the overly severe and restrictive social implications and is geared toward plurality and candor. Self-actualization and endogeneity in conjuncture with subsidiarity remain the most important generators for creative interaction.