: Tsuredurebana
: Can Someone Please Explain What's Going On?! Volume 9
: J-Novel Heart
: 9781718314344
: 1
: CHF 6.40
: Erzählende Literatur
: English
: 250
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB

It s been some time since Viola and Cercis went from contract marriage to true romance. Now it's almost time for Flür National Day-a celebration of the kingdom's founding, the start of a brand-new calendar year, and the king's birthday all in one! Between the obligatory annual ceremony and decorating the manor, there's no lack of preparations to be made-and then add Lettie's impending birth into the mix! Will she make it in time for the festivities? And how will her arrival change life around the manor?