: Hisaya Amagishi
: Dahlia in Bloom: Crafting a Fresh Start with Magical Tools Volume 2
: J-Novel Heart
: 9781718381001
: 1
: CHF 5.80
: Belletristik
: English
: 250
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB

Having escaped her doomed engagement, Dahlia is relishing her new life of freedom as an independent magical toolmaker. One day, she learns that her friend Volf, a knight from the Order of Beast Hunters, is to be sent out to the marshlands on a mission. But there's a problem-traversing the marshes soon leaves the knights with soggy boots full of sweat and swamp water. Might a surprising pair of socks hold the solution? Dahlia uses know-how from her previous life to create toe socks with a drying enchantment and insoles imbued with air magic. She presents them to Volf, hoping they might help him and his friends, but nothing can prepare her for what a splash these items will make! Of course, there's more than socks on Dahlia's mind-she's got her hands full crafting a man-made magical sword, an upgraded refrigerator, and more! Meanwhile, word of the young craftswoman's exploits is spreading throughout the capital... Welcome to the second installment of Dahlia's artisanal adventures!