: Anna Katharine Green
: Behind Closed Doors
: Ktoczyta.pl
: 9788382173765
: 1
: CHF 2.80
: Krimis, Thriller, Spionage
: English
: 387
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB
The last part of the book includes a chase that ends with a terrible snowstorm. The problem with this is that the 'twist' discovered at the end is what the reader will suspect long before Mr. Grice does. She explains in detail the heart and souls of all her characters - even Detective Grace.

Chapter 2. The Dilemma

“I am getting to be an old man, and I have my infirmities, but there are still cases which are given to nobody but me. Among them are those which involve the honor of persons in a high station of life.”

Mr. Gryce paused. Dr. Cameron felt his apprehensions return.

“You see,” the detective slowly resumed, “I can keep a secret; that is, when the life and property of others are not endangered by my silence. I can do a detective’s work and keep a detective’s counsel, only speaking when and where necessity requires.”

He paused again. Dr. Cameron moved uneasily.

“As in this case,” added the other, gravely.

“This case?” repeated the doctor, now thoroughly alarmed, “What case? You excite me; tell me what you have to say, at once!”

But the detective was not to be hurried.

“I was therefore not at all surprised,” he proceeded, as if no interruption had occurred, “when some three days ago I was requested to call upon–Mrs. A., let us say, on business of a strictly confidential character. Such summonses come frequently. Such a summons does not disturb an officer in the least. I nevertheless made haste to show myself at Mrs. A.’s house; for Mrs. A., whom you perhaps know, is a woman of some consequence, and her husband a man of widespread reputation and influence. I found her at home, anxiously awaiting my appearance. As soon as she s