: Jaap Franse, Victor Eremenko, Valentyna Sirenko
: Jaap Franse, Victor Eremenko, Valentyna Sirenko
: Smart Materials for Ranging Systems
: Springer-Verlag
: 9781402046469
: 1
: CHF 131.60
: Atomphysik, Kernphysik
: English
: 265
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

This book considers the different aspects of materials with specific magnetic, electric and elastic properties. They are considered in view of potential application in the design and manufacturing of smart materials. Modern smart materials play a key role at investigations in interdisciplinary materials sciences and are serving to forge new links between basic and applied research.

Progress is reported in the fabrication and understanding of in-situ formation and characterization of solid state structures with specified properties.