: Robert Hesse
: Faith and Science A Journey into God's Mystical Love
: Publishdrive
: 9780824595098
: 1
: CHF 30.30
: Allgemeines, Lexika
: English
: 240
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB

Deacon Robert Hesse is uniquely qualified to write this scientifically accurate and inspirational gateway into the mind and heart of God through
the interrelationship between faith and science. Drawing upon his Ph.D.
in Physical Chemistry, his background in Trappist mystical theology, and
years of leadership in interreligious dialogue, he provides a glimpse into the
unrestricted consciousness from which springs the equations of physics, the
space-time continuum, molecular structures, the biophysical leap into life,
and the biospiritual leap into human consciousness, free choice, loving relationships, and mystical ecstasy.