: Luigia Sabbatini, Elvira De Giglio
: Polymer Surface Characterization
: Walter de Gruyter GmbH& Co.KG
: 9783110701098
: De Gruyter STEM
: 1
: CHF 77.10
: Chemische Technik
: English
: 403
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

This fully updated edition provides a broad approach to the surface analysis of polymers being of high technological interest. Modern analytical techniques, potential applications and recent advances in instrumental apparatus are discussed. The self-consistent chapters are devoted to techniques from photoelectron spectroscopy to electron microscopies and wettability.

Luigia Sabbatiniand lvira di Giglio, Universita degli Studii di Bari Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy.