: Daniel Thalmann, Soraia Raupp Musse
: Crowd Simulation
: Springer-Verlag
: 9781846288258
: 1
: CHF 85.20
: Anwendungs-Software
: English
: 242
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

Recent times have seen growing interest in crowd simulation, particularly in the commercial sector where it is used in the fields of security, defence, entertainment and the movie industry. This book focuses closely on methods and techniques for crowd simulation, filling the gap in the professional literature.

The topics covered in this comprehensive survey include Modelling of Populations; Virtual Human Animation; Behavioural Animation of Crowds; Crowd Rendering and Populated Environments.

Daniel Thalmann is Professor and Director of the Virtual Reality Lab (VRlab) at EPFL Switzerland. Soraia Raupp Musse was his PhD student and she developed her thesis on human crowd simulation. Since 2000 they have continued to work with crowd simulation in computer graphics and virtual reality.