: Richard Blanton, Lane Fargher
: Collective Action in the Formation of Pre-Modern States
: Springer-Verlag
: 9780387738772
: 1
: CHF 201.60
: Altertum
: English
: 448
: Wasserzeichen/DRM
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

Anthropological archaeology and other disciplines concerned with the formation of early complex societies are undergoing a theoretical shift. Given the need for new directions in theory, the book proposes that anthropologists look to political science, especially the rational choice theory of collective action. The authors subject collective action theory to a methodologically rigorous evaluation using systematic cross-cultural analysis based on a world-wide sample of societies.

Dr. Blanton is a professor of Anthropology at Purdue University.  He is known for his research on the evolution of pre-Hispanic Mesoamerican civilization, especially in Central Mexico and the Valley of Oaxaca but has also contributed to several more general anthropological topics, including the economics of peasant households and household archaeology, the evolution of market systems in early civilizations, pre-modern world-systems, and cultural ecology.  Blanton's recent theoretical and comparative research on the nature of early state formation and political economy is regarded as a new departure that is making a contribution to the current discourse on the evolution of complex human societies.  He is a founding member of the Society for Economic Archaeology and has served as its president.