: Daniel Wismeijer, Daniel Buser, Urs C. Belser
: Loading Protocols in Implant Dentistry Edentulous Patients
: Quintessence Publishing Co Inc USA
: 9781850973478
: 1
: CHF 73.90
: Zahnheilkunde
: English
: 248
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB
This fourth volume of the ITI Treatment Guide series presents implant therapy approaches and procedures in edentulous patients with a special focus on loading protocols. After discussing the current evidence base in the literature and a summary of the most recent relevant ITI Consensus Statements it proceeds to guide readers through the entire treatment process. Beginning with a chapter on preoperative assessment and prosthetic planning, different treatment options for the edentulous arch are presented. They are complemented by a separate chapter on the selection of the appropriate loading protocol considering risk evaluation and the complexity of the possible treatment options. Various procedures are illustrated with patient case studies. Detailed illustrations serve to clarify potential ambiguities, and complications are addressed to avert the most common problems in clinical practice. The ITI Treatment Guide series, a unique compendium of evidence-based treatment methods in implant dentistry in daily practice, written by renowned clinicians, provides a comprehensive overview of various therapeutic options. Using an illustrated step-by-step approach, the ITI Treatment Guide shows practitioners how to manage different clinical situations, with the emphasis on sound diagnostics, evidence-based treatment concepts, and predictable treatment outcomes. Implant dentistry has become a standard option for the rehabilitation of fully and partially edentulous patients.

2   Proceedings of the 4th ITI Consensus Conference: Loading Protocols in Implant Dentistry

G.O. Gallucci, D. Morton, H.R Weber, D. Wismeijer

Group 3 of the 4th ITI Consensus Conference held in Stuttgart reviewed the current scientific evidence for loading protocols in implant dentistry. The group was composed of three teams:

  • Partially edentulous patients, anterior region

  • Partially edentulous patients, posterior region

  • Edentulous patients

The participants were:

Group leader:     Hans-Peter Weber

Reviewers:         German 0. Gallucci
                                Linda Grütter
                                Mario Roccuzzo

Secretary:           Dean Morton

Co-Reviewers:    Urs Belser
                                Luca Cordaro

Participants:      Gil Alcoforado
                                Juan Blanco
                                Roberto Cornellini
                                Tony Dawson
                                Andreas Feloutzis
                                Siegfried M. Heckmann
                                Frank L. Higginbottom
                                Haldun Iplikçioğlu
                                Bob Jaffin
                                Hong-chang Lai
                                Niklaus P. Lang
                                Richard Leesungbok
                                Robert A. Levine
                                Torsten E. Reichert
                                George K. B. Sándor
                                Makoto Shiota
                                Alejandro Trevino Santos

The group addressing edentulous patients was to present well-structured scientific and clinical evidence related to maxillary and mandibular implant-supported rehabilitations. The specific aim was to assess the survival outcome of various loading protocols according to treatment sequence and selected prosthodontic design.

The electronic search yielded 2,371 publications, of which 61 articles met the inclusion criteria. Only studies reporting on implants with “rough surfaces” were selected for this review. The reported data covered 2,278 patients and 9,701 implants. Studies were grouped according to treatment protocols and prosthodontic designs, and results on conventional, early, and immediate loading were assessed separately for fixed and removable dental prostheses (Table 1).

Although several randomized controlled trials (RCT) and reviews have demonstrated clinical efficiency in shortening the time to loading for edentulous patients, the related scientific evidence is mostly presented from the perspective of implant survival or success, with only limited information about the prosthodontic treatment outcome. To assess the impact of modified loading protocols in edentulous patients accurately, data was analyzed separately for: (1) maxillary and mandibular protocols; (2) fixed and removable rehabilitations; (3) rough-surfaced implants; and (4) implant placement into healed sites or extraction sockets not yet healed. These factors have often been presented as having a direct influence on the implant and prosthodontic survival rate.

Table 1 Number of selected publications by loading protocol and prosthodontic treatment modality.
(Conventional) loading3 studies
0 (RCTs)
2 (prospective)
1 (retrospective)
110 pats/530 imps
10 studies
4 (RCTs)
4 (prospective)
2 (retrospective)
671 pats/1396 imps
4 studies
1 (RCTs)
3 (prospective)
0 (retrospective)
104 pats/719 imps
4 studies
1 (RCTs)
2 (prospective)
1 (retrospective)
207 pats/1254 imps
Early loading2 studies
0 (RCTs)
2 (prospective)
0 (retrospective)
49 pats/185 imps
4 studies
1 (RCTs)
3 (prospective)
0 (retrospective)
68 pats/136 imps
4 studies
1 (RCTs)
1 (prospective)
2 (retrospective)
54 pats/344 imps
3 studies
0 (RCTs)
2 (prospective)
1 (retrospective)
176 pats/802 imps
Immediate loading1 study
0 (RCTs)
1 (prospective)
0 (retrospective)
12 pats/48 imps
7 studies
0 (RCTs)
6 (prospective)
1 (retrospective)
329 pats/1161 imps
6 studies
0 (RCTs)
5 (prospective)
1 (retrospective)
153 pats/893 imps
7 studies
0 (RCTs)
5 (prospective)
2 (retrospective)
181 pats/942 imps
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