: Joshua Nganyadi
: Brexit as a challenge for the European recruitment of skilled workers
: Grin Verlag
: 9783346626059
: 1
: CHF 17.00
: Management
: English
: 53
: kein Kopierschutz/DRM
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
Academic Paper from the year 2018 in the subject Leadership and Human Resources - Recruiting, grade: 1,0, University of Applied Management, language: English, abstract: This scientific work will deal with the opportunities and risks of abolishing the free movement of workers. The focus will be on forecasting the possible effects on European recruitment. Using an analogy between the United Kingdom and an EU member state (Germany), precise differences will be analysed and challenges from different aspects will be examined. Brexit is currently a precedent case with already many political and economic implications. Accordingly, the research approach of this thesis is a literature analysis in combination with a scenario model. This is intended to present various exit scenarios of Great Britain vis-à-vis the EU and, in combination with an analysis of publications, to form recommendations for action for these scenarios. On 23 June 2016, the inhabitants of the United Kingdom voted in a referendum by a majority of 51.9 to 48.1 percent in favour of their country leaving the European Union (EU). The decision to 'British exit' (brexit) marks a turning point in the more than 40-year relationship between the United Kingdom and the European community of states. It is the first time that a member leaves the European family of states - a decision of primarily symbolic significance, which brings with it decades of constant enlargement and restriction of the EU's internal market. In the campaign for EU withdrawal, the issue of 'abolition of free movement of workers' and the associated immigration played a central role. It aims to reduce immigration and its dangers, such as 'state loss of control and surveillance'. From an EU perspective, every EU citizen loses the opportunity to take up and pursue work in the United Kingdom under the same conditions as citizens between EU states. From a UK perspective, the decision has a clear political objective, but it can have devastating consequences for the domestic economy.

Joshua Nganyadi, der deutsche Betriebswirt und Digital Engineer veröffentlichte mehrere Publikationen während seines Werdegang im öffentlichen Dienst (Regierungsoberinspektor), wobei er auch privatwirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge untersuchte, nachdem er als Corporate Governance Spezialist in der Wirtschaftsprüfung, sowie in Europas größten Technologiekonzern (SAP) im Bereich Digital Business Transformation beschäftigt war. Nganyadi war durch seine frühere Ära im professionellen Basketball (München / Porto), als Vorstandsmitglied und PR-Manager des interkulturellen Sportclubs Oktopus e.V. tätig. In dieser Position gelang es ihm Migranten wie auch sozial schwache Jugendliche und generell Stadtpunkte im Rhein-Main-Gebiet durch Sportwissenschaften zu bilden und zu fördern. Sein akademischer Werdegang erfolgte gemäß dualen Studiums im öffentlichen Sektor an der Hochschule für angewandtes Management in München, welches er 2018 mit dem Bachelortitel in Public Management (BWL / Jura) abschloss. Mit seinem anschließenden Master in Business Administration (Digital Engineering - MBA) an der Hochschule Fresenius, forschte und lehrte Nganyadi Ansätze zur digitalen Transformation von Unternehmen, sowie Managementansätze für Corporate Governance 4.0 und schloss das Studium 2021 mit Bravour ab.