: Nancy Harris
: Our New Girl (NHB Modern Plays)
: Nick Hern Books
: 9781788505093
: 1
: CHF 14.70
: Dramatik
: English
: 152
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB
A startling psychological drama about the darker side of modern parenthood. Behind the shiny door of Hazel Robinson's immaculate London home, things aren't as good as they look. Her plastic surgeon husband, Richard, has embarked on his latest charitable mission to Haiti, leaving the heavily pregnant Hazel to cope with a failing business and a problem son. When a professional nanny arrives unannounced on her doorstep, Hazel finds her home under the shadow of a seemingly perfect stranger, and one who has an agenda of her own. Nancy Harris's play Our New Girl was first performed at the Bush Theatre, London, in 2012. This volume also includes her short play Little Dolls, first performed as part of the Bush Theatre's Broken Space season in 2008. 'Mercilessly accurate... this fiendish little play is spot-on' - Daily Mail 'Both gripping and deeply unsettling'- Daily Telegraph 'A wonderful sly, sharp humour and thematic subtlety' - Independent

Nancy Harris is a playwright and screenwriter from Dublin who lives in London. Her plays include: Two Ladies (Bridge Theatre, London, 2019); The Beacon (Druid, 2019); The Red Shoes, after Hans Christian Andersen (Gate Theatre, Dublin, 2017); Our New Girl (Bush Theatre, London, 2012); and No Romance (Abbey Theatre, Dublin, 2011).