: Jacopo Cavarzeran
: Scholia in Euripidis 'Hippolytum' Edizione critica, introduzione, indici
: Walter de Gruyter GmbH& Co.KG
: 9783110470673
: Sammlung griechischer und lateinischer GrammatikerISSN
: 1
: CHF 147.00
: Altertum
: Italian
: 429
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

This publication provides a new critical edition of thescholia to Hippolytus with an apparatus ofloci similes. The introduction briefly discusses the exegesis and the critical interpretation of the Euripidean text in antiquity as well as the creation and development of this scholiasticcorpus.

Jacopo Cavarzeran, Università degli Studi di Padova, Venice, Italy.