: Rahim A. Daredia, Raymond Aaron
: From Ego To Light Your Shift to Happiness
: 10-10-10 Publishing
: 9781772770490
: 1
: CHF 7.50
: Esoterik: Allgemeines, Nachschlagewerke
: English
: 112
: kein Kopierschutz
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet
: ePUB
From Ego to Light: Your Shift to Happiness was written to help you find happiness in each day, whether you are a long-time spiritual seeker or are just beginning to explore life's deeper truths. Within these pages, author Rahim Daredia shares powerful yet accessible wisdom that will enhance your understanding of the spiritual laws that govern the universe. You will learn how to embrace life's joys and challenges with equanimity, knowing that you are a perfectly imperfect divine being whose greatness lies within. Dive into the pages of this book, and emerge into the light of who you truly are, invigorated and inspired to find happiness, today.
Chapter 1
Perspective is Everything, and Everything is God
“The freshness of my eyes is given to me in prayer.” – The Holy Koran
One of the most important things I’ve learned is that our perspectives are very limited when it comes to judging life events and circumstances. We’re so quick to label some things ‘good’ and other things ‘bad,’ but the truth is that, with our limited awareness, we don’t have nearly enough information to do that. The only one who can see the whole picture is God, whose loving presence inspires all true religions at their core. This is why we need to have faith that there is a deep spiritual reason for everything that happens in our lives. In my experience, prayer is a good way to ask for perspective, to ‘freshen our eyes’ with The Source’s loving perspective. The willingness to take a step back from our own limited viewpoint is what opens the door for greater awareness to arise. It’s a cosmic paradox that we must first admit we don’t know everything before we can receive the insights that expand our understanding. When we argue with reality, we only create suffering for ourselves and others. This doesn’t mean that we go through life passively accepting every circumstance and injustice as out of our control. Rather, it means making a commitment to respond to events from awareness, rather than reacting based on old patterns of trauma and unconsciousness. This can seem like a tall order, but I’ve found that it’s the key to real freedom. If we want to be free, we must accept that our perspective is limited. When we let go of being right, we give ourselves the space to integrate the lessons that life brings us.
There’s a woman named Byron Katie