: Oliviero Stock, Massimo Zancanaro
: Oliviero Stock, Massimo Zancanaro
: Multimodal Intelligent Information Presentation
: Springer-Verlag
: 9781402030512
: 1
: CHF 128.60
: Allgemeine und Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft
: English
: 346
: Wasserzeichen
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

Intelligent Multimodal Information Presentation relates to the ability of a computer system to automatically produce interactive information presentations, taking into account the specifics about the user, such as needs, interests and knowledge, and engaging in a collaborative interaction that helps the retrieval of relevant information and its understanding on the part of the user.

The volume includes descriptions of some of the most representative recent works on Intelligent Information Presentation and a view of the challenges ahead.