: John Hunt
: Agile Software Construction
: Springer-Verlag
: 9781846282621
: 1
: CHF 45.90
: Informatik
: English
: 255
: Wasserzeichen/DRM
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

Introduces the core concepts, evaluates how successful they can be, as well as what problems may be encountered

Disp ls numerous myths surrounding agile development

1 Introduction11
1.1 Why This Book?11
1.2 A Bit of History11
1.3 What Is Agile Software Development?12
1.4 Why Be Agile?13
1.5 What This Book Is About?13
1.6 Implementation Languages13
1.7 The Structure of the Book14
1.8 Where to Get More Information?16
1.9 Where to Go Online?16
2 Agile Methods and the Agile Manifesto18
2.1 Introduction18
2.2 What Is Agile?18
2.3 The Agile Manifesto19
2.4 What Are Agile Methods?21
2.5 Agile Modelling23
2.6 XP: eXtreme Programming25
2.7 DSDM30
2.8 SCRUM34
2.9 Summary39
3 Agile Modelling40
3.1 Introduction40
3.2 Modelling Misconceptions40
3.3 Agile Modelling44
3.4 What Sort of Models?49
3.5 Tool Misconceptions50
3.6 Updating Agile Models51
3.7 Summary52
4 How to Become an Agile Modeller53
4.1 Introduction53
4.2 Agile Modelling Practices53
4.3 Adopt the Core Agile Modelling Practices57
4.4 Consider the Supplementary Practices64
4.5 Maximise Your Modelling Potential69
4.6 Agile Modelling Sessions71
4.7 Agile Models73
4.8 Agile Documentation73
4.9 Summary75
5 Extreme Programming (XP)76
5.1 Introduction76
5.2 Core XP Values77
5.3 User Stories80
5.4 The Twelve XP Practises80
5.5 What Is So Extreme About Extreme Programming?93
5.6 Review93
6 Putting XP into Practise95
6.1 Introduction95
6.2 Planning XP Projects96
6.3 Test First Coding106
6.4 Making Pair Programming Work115
6.5 Refactoring119
6.6 Keeping on Track122
6.7 Summary129
7 Agile Modelling and XP130
7.1 Introduction130
7.2 The Fit130
7.3 Common Practises131
7.4 Modelling Specific Practises132
7.5 XP Objections to Agile Modelling136
7.6 Agile Modelling and Planning XP Projects137
7.7 XP Implementation Phase139
7.8 Focus on XP146
8 Agile Modelling and XP Reviewed148
8.1 Introduction148
8.2 Review of XP/AM Practices148
8.3 Other Factors156
8.4 Architecture157
8.5 XP on Large Projects162
8.6 Where XP Works Best164
8.7 Summary164
9 Feature-Driven Development166
9.1 Introduction166
9.2 Incremental Software Development168
9.3 Regaining Control: The Motivation Behind FDD169
9.4 Planning an Iterative Project173
9.5 Architecture Centric180
9.6 FDD and XP183
9.7 Summary185
10 Planning a Sample FDD Project187
10.1 Introduction187
10.2 Initiating the Project187
10.3 The Overall Project Plan188
10.4 Planning the First Iteration190
10.5 Post Delivery196
10.6 Summary196
11 Agile Methods with RUP and PRINCE2197
11.1 Introduction197
11.2 Agile Modelling and RUP198
11.3 FDD and RUP208
11.4 Agile Methods and Prince2209
11.5 Summary213
12 Introducing Agile Methods into Your Organisation214
12.1 Introduction214
12.2 Selling Agile Methods214
12.3 Identifying a Suitable First Project215
12.4 Promoting an Agile Culture216
12.5 Building an Agile Team217
12.6 Adopting Agile Processes One at a Time217
12.7 Managing Existing Processes218
12.8 Working with Distributed Teams219
12.9 Get Some Experience219
13 Tools to Help with Agile Development220
13.1 Introduction220
13.2 What Tools Do You Need?220
13.3 Eclipse: An Agile IDE221
13.4 Lightweight Modelling within Eclipse224
13.5 Building Applications with ANT226
13.6 Version Control with CVS229
13.7 Testing with JUnit230
13.8 Online References240
14 Obstacles to Agile Software Development241
14.1 Introduction241
14.2 Management Intransigence241
14.3 The Failed Project Syndrome242
14.4 Developer Resistance243
14.5 Customer Opposition244
14.6 Contractual Difficulties245
14.7 Familiarity with Agility247