: Jing-Song Huang, Pavle Pandzic
: Dirac Operators in Representation Theory
: Birkhäuser Basel
: 9780817644932
: 1
: CHF 83.30
: Arithmetik, Algebra
: English
: 200
: Wasserzeichen/DRM
: PC/MAC/eReader/Tablet

This book presents a comprehensive treatment of important new ideas on Dirac operators and Dirac cohomology. Using Dirac operators as a unifying theme, the authors demonstrate how some of the most important results in representation theory fit together when viewed from this perspective. The book is an excellent contribution to the mathematical literature of representation theory, and this self-contained exposition offers a systematic examination and panoramic view of the subject. The material will be of interest to researchers and graduate students in representation theory, differential geometry, and physics.